Can't find Temporary Internet files folder



I posted yesterday that my IE6 keeps hanging when I attempt to delete all
temporary files and cookies. I've done everything that was suggested
including downloading Spybot etc. Nothing appears to be wrong or on my
computer that shouldn't be there. However, I have done several very thorough
searches and I can't find the Temporary Internet Files folder. Apparently it
should be under
but there is no Local Settings?? I am using XP home edition. I am not a
techie so any responses will need to be directed down a level to enthusiastic
user with a fair amount of knowledge.

Thanks so much, Victoria


Hi Victoria.

I'm no techie myself, but if you're using Windows Explorer, be aware that it
hides things unless you set it up not to.

At the top of Windows Explorer, select Tools, Folder Options..., View and
click the circle labelled Show hidden files and folders. Click Apply and O.K.

Click the - next to your folder VictoriaRutherford to collapse it. Select
View, Refresh.

Click the + next to your folder VictoriaRutherford to expand it. You should
now be able to see the folder Local Settings. Just DON'T DELETE ANYTHING
unless you know what you're doing. Hope that helps. Cheers, Nige.


Nige, Thanks so much. Looks like everything is okay now. I was able to
delete all the temp files and free up some much needed space. God bless!

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