can't find system32 ?? Huh?



I have a virus in my system32 folder. Funny thing is when I open up
C:\windows, I don't see a system32 folder. How could it not be there?
what am I missing? could a virus make my folder appears not there? I have
turned on invisble folders. any ideas


Have you tried going to Start>Search>all files and folders>system32? Mine
came up immediately as soon as I clicked "search".

Wesley Vogel

Start | Run | Type: system32 | Click OK

Or type: %windir%\system32

System32 is a Hidden folder.

To display Hidden files and folders...

Start | Settings | Control Panel | Folder Options | View tab
Display the contents of system folders
Show hidden files and folders
Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)
Click Apply | Click OK

When you uncheck: Hide protected operating system files,
you will get this message...

You have chosen to display protected operating system files (files labeled
System and Hidden) in Windows Explorer.These files are required to start and
run Windows. Deleting or editing them can make your computer inoperable.Are
you sure you want to display these files?

Click YES.

[[Hidden files and folders will appear dimmed to indicate they are not
typical items.]]

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



Have you tried going to Start>Search>all files and folders>system32? Mine
came up immediately as soon as I clicked "search".

yes, tried searching for it, but it shows empty


Start | Run | Type: system32 | Click OK

Or type: %windir%\system32

System32 is a Hidden folder.

To display Hidden files and folders...
Click YES.

[[Hidden files and folders will appear dimmed to indicate they are not
typical items.]]

turn all that on....still can't see system32
also unable to start regedit from the cmd box, it flashes like it will
start, but nothing shows up....unable to delete the (sywib.exe - the
virus) file. Have gone into safe mode and still can't find the system32
file. Can't find any reference to a sywib.exe on the net, but it must be a
good one. It is being reported as a downloader trojan.


right now, I don't even have the infected computer connected to he net, I
have too much sensitive information from clients I do work for in my
business on that computer. I can't have downlaoding trojan.

I AM SO PISSED, I want to kill the person who wrote this virus!
these people need to found and hung off a bridge.

If I can't get this removed I will have to format and reinstall
and restore, days of work lost........ grrrrrrrrrrrrr


have tried restoring, can only go back a week, but the same old stuff.
no system32........


have tried restoring, can only go back a week, but the same old stuff.
no system32........

I wonder if I removed my drive and slaved it onto another computer, if I
will be able to delete the file? will try that and let you know.

Wesley Vogel

also unable to start regedit from the cmd box, it flashes like it will
start, but nothing shows up....

[[When you open System Configuration Utility [MSCONFIG], Registry Editor or
Task Manager, they flash for a second and quit. This symptom is caused by

Task Manager, MSCONFIG, or REGEDIT disappear while opening

Free online virus scans

Trend Micro - Free online virus Scan

Panda ActiveScan - Free online scanner

BitDefender Free Online Virus Scan

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Bacchus said:
Start | Run | Type: system32 | Click OK

Or type: %windir%\system32

System32 is a Hidden folder.

To display Hidden files and folders...
Click YES.

[[Hidden files and folders will appear dimmed to indicate they are not
typical items.]]

turn all that on....still can't see system32
also unable to start regedit from the cmd box, it flashes like it will
start, but nothing shows up....unable to delete the (sywib.exe - the
virus) file. Have gone into safe mode and still can't find the system32
file. Can't find any reference to a sywib.exe on the net, but it must be a
good one. It is being reported as a downloader trojan.


right now, I don't even have the infected computer connected to he net, I
have too much sensitive information from clients I do work for in my
business on that computer. I can't have downlaoding trojan.

I AM SO PISSED, I want to kill the person who wrote this virus!
these people need to found and hung off a bridge.

If I can't get this removed I will have to format and reinstall
and restore, days of work lost........ grrrrrrrrrrrrr

You still have your data on that drive, and that data won't be in the
System32 folder, (hidden or not), nor damaged by the virus (usually.)
Connect the infected drive to another unimportant computer, run a
complete scan for viruses using that system (make sure the definitions
are up to date!) Ascertain that the Bad Stuff is gone, then copy ONLY
your data onto the "safe" computer. Your work won't be gone, just
the O/S, since the drive will then have to be reformatted. (Don't tell
me your data is in the system32 folder,or anywhere under the %Windows%
Root, that's very bad practice!)

... Steve ..

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