I have a strange error that I can't seem to resolve. What
does 'Can't find project or library' error mean? Followed
by showing my VBA and highlighting
the keyword 'Left' from the following code:
'If InStr(1, Left(sSQL, 5), "AND") Then
sSQL = Right(sSQL, Len(sSQL) - 5)
End If'
Thanks in advance for any help,
I have a strange error that I can't seem to resolve. What
does 'Can't find project or library' error mean? Followed
by showing my VBA and highlighting
the keyword 'Left' from the following code:
'If InStr(1, Left(sSQL, 5), "AND") Then
sSQL = Right(sSQL, Len(sSQL) - 5)
End If'
Thanks in advance for any help,