I did as you suggested. This is the result of the target
field in the properties tab of MSAccess shortcut.
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE"
A word of explanation: I have used MSOffice 97 for three
years on a Windows 98 laptop but I have never used the
Access application until recently.
When I execute the target field I obtain a window with an
error message in a dialog box:
i Can't find the database you specified, or you
didn't specify a database at all.
Specify a valid database name in the command line and
include a path if necessary. ok
The main window has three menu bars at the top (file,
window, help) but I am unable to use these menus because
the error dialog box must be selected "OK" first and then
the entire window disappears.
I tried using the Run command on the specified target but
I obtain the same window and error message.
My Office 97 CD states that MSAccess is part of the Office
suite but I cannot even open a new database or one
generated on another computer. I tried re-loading the
Office suite from the CD but I obtain the same result on
Acess. The other suite applications work ok.
I appreciate your help.
-----Original Message-----
Right click the shortcut, choose properties, on the
Shortcut tab highlight the entire
Target entry, press Ctrl+C and paste the target in a
message so that we can see what is