can't find



I can no longer install software of update software
allready installed. first is error 1311 source file not
found: D:\ verify file exist and you can access
After cancelling
error 1603 Fatal error durring installation Consult
Windows Installer help (Msi.chm) or MSDN for more

contacted the software manufacture (Mapsource)
they sent me to
installed latest engine (for setup greater than 7.01)
no change
Dell help has been useless

I get the same problem when My Adobe 6.0 trys to update. I
have the disk for each and they both install on other
computers fine.

Dell inspirion 8600
Window XP udated to the latest version


Thanks The links are on topic, but don't work. I not only
have diabled MacAffee, but close it and everything else in
the systems try.
I copied disk to hard drive, but where Adobe gives a
browse option to look for Data1, MapSource does not and
even if started from c: it looks in d: for data1.
How can I stop MacAffee from doing its thing at start up?
I am looking for something like an autoexec.bat file that
has this comand to run McAfee.
Any other suggestions?

Chad Harris


You may get some additional information at Event Viewer, but odds are it
will be similar and possibly some hex errors or errors written in "Hungarian
notation" not to be confused with the language from Hungary, or some other
language used and I doubt it in this case.

It would be helpful to know what OS (build of XP--SP1 SP2 ect.) you're
running and what application you're trying to update. You didn't say. If
you have Windows XP then upgrading to at least SP1 might help.

*A good first response to any error like this in XP* besides trying to
track the errors down with google or a search engine is to run System File
Checker and try to replace .dlls or files that are damaged with intact files
that are stored as replacements. That might help.

Running SFC would be the first thing I would try given your situation. No
downside and it might restore a missing file or files you need.
Description of the Windows File Protection Feature

Introduction to using scannow sfc (system file checker)
(One of the best articles I have on SFC)

This KB does not name your error messages, but it has more than one way you
might repair your installer. I have not drilled the Install Shield site's
KB because you indicated you have done this.;[LN];315346
"Error 1719. The Windows Installer service could not be accessed" error
message when you try to add or remove a program

This has *ways to repair your MSI* although you did not get Error 1719--I
used it in a situation described below when I was gettting different setup
errors for Office.

You may try using this if previous updates of your application are listed to
get rid of files that might not have installed correctly in relation to that
application (previous updates for that particular app is what I mean here).

Windows Installer Cleanup Utility;en-us;290301


There are KBs close to your topic:
"Error 1311: Cannot Locate Source File" Error Message During Office
on Error Code 1603
MSI Error Codes;EN-US;229683
List of Error Codes Including 1603
JSI Tip on 1603

The last 1603 error I had to contend with was an Office installation error
because I used an app I picked up from the net to get rid of wisptis.exe
which MSFT ridiculously default installs with every Office or Office related
app as does Adobe with their reader. It's to facilitate the pen in a tablet,
and to my knowledge not every Office user is working with a tablet
today--I'd safely say the vast majority of Office deployments, One Note
deployments, Front Page Deployments aren't on boxes using a tablet pen.

Why isn't wisptis.exe an optional install at the MSFT Office site? Good
Why did I want to remove wisptis.exe in the first place--it mimes spyware
and can cause systained CPU runs of 100% which manifest with the symptom of
a freeze for varying amounts of time for a number of users.


Chad Harris

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