We have a contact which includes a business phone number,
business fax number and an email address. When we try to
send an email to this contact and type the name in the TO
field, it doesn't find the contact. If we press SEND, it
brings up a box showing the email address and the business
fax as if it can't differentiate between the two. This
does not occur if there is no business fax. Is this a
known problem and is there a work around? Thanks,
business fax number and an email address. When we try to
send an email to this contact and type the name in the TO
field, it doesn't find the contact. If we press SEND, it
brings up a box showing the email address and the business
fax as if it can't differentiate between the two. This
does not occur if there is no business fax. Is this a
known problem and is there a work around? Thanks,