can't fax by service

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul.HuBo
  • Start date Start date


I have bulid a vc++ program on XP pro +Sp2 +office 2003. Its function
is send fax by attachment by call FaxSendDocument().

All is OK when I run program in normal situation(compile program, run
it, click the menu and send fax). But when I run it from service(using
the service to start the program, the program will automatically send
fax), then there is error: cannot create a file when that file already

So anyone has some solution on it?

I didn't fully understand what you are doing. Let's call your exe as
sendfax.exe. In the second case you have a NT service. Is the service
executing the code to send the fax or is it calling sendfax.exe by creating
a new process?

Does the problem occur even if you try to send a fax with just a cover page
& no attachment (aka body)?

Raghavendra R
Microsoft Printing, Imaging and Fax Team
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Thanks for your reply.

1. In the second case you have a NT service. Is the service
executing the code to send the fax or is it calling sendfax.exe by
creating a new process?
The NT Service call sendfax.exe by cteating a new process.

2. Does the problem occur even if you try to send a fax with just a
cover page & no attachment (aka body)?
I will test it and give an answer.

I have more finding on the problem. I search the group and find another
person also say, after install office 2003, then fax will not work. I
have done some test on it.
1. before install office 2003, there is no Microsoft Office Document
Image Writer installed. And the default program to open tif file is
Window picture and Fax viewer, then everything is OK.
2. after install office 2003, the Microsoft Office Document Image
Writer installed, then fax service will stop work. Even you use Window
exploer to change it open tif with Window picture and Fax viewer, still
can't work. mabye I will change the registry?


I try to send with just a cover page in normal situation(compile
program, run
it, click the menu and send fax), same error happen
cannot create a file when that file already exists

pcpInfo->CoverPageName = L"My Cover Page.cov";
pcpInfo->UseServerCoverPage = false;
pcpInfo->RecFaxNumber = L"12345";

// Try to send
if( FaxSendDocument( fxHandle,
&dwJobId ) )
I test on XP professional and xp home w/o sp2 on about 5 machines. If I
install Office 2003, the problem will happen. Even I uninstall Office
2003, the problem still exist.

I am not able to correlate how installing office 2003 can affect the
problem. Now I am confused with your posts. You started saying a program is
working fine outside but from a service it's not fine. Then you said
something to do with Office 2003 - why do you believe your problem has got
something to do with other person's issue you saw. Now you are coming back &
saying your program which used to work outside a service is not working now
in any scenario - in & out of the service.

Please restate your problem clearly. Do not combine multiple issues. If you
are finding a new issues, state it clearly & keep its explanation separate.

Raghavendra R
Microsoft Printing, Imaging and Fax Team
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Please do not send email directly to this alias. This alias is for newsgroup
purposes only.'
I test on XP professional and xp home w/o sp2 on about 5 machines. If
I install Office 2003, the problem will happen. Even I uninstall
Office 2003, the problem still exist.


What error do you get?

I used to have some problems when trying to fax on a machine with
Office 2003. The error I was getting is "The data is invalid"

Turns out that it's because the .tif extension was associated with a
document type that doesn't have a printto verb in the registry. The MS
Fax engine uses that verb to have the TIF rendered by the application
(or at least that's what I remember from the answer Microsoft gave me)