Can't do Xmas labels

  • Thread starter Thread starter florald
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It was easy on my old Windows 95 but in XP I am finding it impossible
to work out. Can anyone give me a simple line by line instruction on
how to do it. I want to make a document listing postal addresses
(7down 2 across) which I can then transfer to the labels. Diana
It was easy on my old Windows 95 but in XP I am finding it impossible
to work out. Can anyone give me a simple line by line instruction on
how to do it. I want to make a document listing postal addresses
(7down 2 across) which I can then transfer to the labels. Diana

Do you have your addresses in the program Microsoft Access(TM)? or are
you talking about doing this in Word? (The operating system, 95 or XP,
is not really relevant to this question).
Do you have your addresses in the program Microsoft Access(TM)? or are
you talking about doing this in Word? (The operating system, 95 or XP,
is not really relevant to this question).

Hello John, Yes, I have been trying to do it in Word. Diana
In that case you should probably raise the issue in a Microsoft Word
newsgroup - I'm not any sort of an expert in Word, and this newsgroup
is for users of Microsoft Access (the database program). You'll
probably get more help in a newsgroup for users of Word.