Well... you were right... disabling the "Sandbox" mode fixed the
problem (grins!).
HOWEVER (smiles)...
Uh oh.
the reason I wanted the textbox showing the number
of ingredients on this form was so that I could do a "Filter by Form"
search for those recipes with less than 5 ingredients in them. The
textbox is greyed out when I click the Filter by Form option, though
Can I not filter using a textbox on a form?
Not using an unbound or calculated text box, no. The filter has to be based
on fields in the form's recordset, and your calculated text box isn't in the
form's recordset.
If you really need to do this, and need to do it via Filter by Form, then
you could add a calculated field to the form's RecordSource query, which
would calculate the number of related records in the subform. For example,
suppose the form's recordsource was originally a table called "tblRecipes",
and the subform's recordsource is a table named "tblRecipeIngredients",
related by a common field, "fldRecipeID". Then you could change the main
form's recordsource to a query like this:
DCount("*", "tblRecipeIngredients",
"fldRecipeID=" & Nz(RecipeID, 0))
AS IngredientCount
FROM tblRecipes;
Then you could bind the text box on the main form directly to the calculated
field, [IngredientCount], and you'd be able to filter the form on that.
The only problems with this approach that I can think of offhand are:
(1) You may need to explicitly refresh the form or requery/recalculate
the text box when you add or delete ingredients using the subform. I'm not
sure about this.
(2) Using the DCount expression in the form's RecordSource will slow it
down. This may or may not be an issue.
However, if you want the form to be updatable, that's the only way I can
think of.
If this doesn't work out well for you, you could forget about using Filter
by Form, and build your own filter form (or a set of filtering controls in
the form header), and build and apply your own filter. Doing that, it's
easy to create a filter criterion to filter by the number of related
records, without direct reference to the subform or the calculated text box
on the main form; e.g.,
"(SELECT Count(*) FROM tblRecipeIngredients AS I " & _
"WHERE I.fldRecipeID = tblRecipes.fldRecipeID) < " & _