Virus scan is halting on a protect folder file and I have tried to delete the
folder as well as create a new profile and remove the old one. The file is
located in \<user>\application data\microsoft\protect. I've logged in as a
different user, tried to attrib -r -h -s the protect folder, etc... to no
avail. No virus scans can proceed beyond this file (which is s-1-5-21-...)
and deleting the folder is impossible. I also cannot browse to the folder or
explorer halts. This is after various virus' were removed from the system.
How can I delete this folder? Or is there a better solution to this problem
besides deleting it so that I can, once again, use a virus scanner to
completion and remove the profile?
folder as well as create a new profile and remove the old one. The file is
located in \<user>\application data\microsoft\protect. I've logged in as a
different user, tried to attrib -r -h -s the protect folder, etc... to no
avail. No virus scans can proceed beyond this file (which is s-1-5-21-...)
and deleting the folder is impossible. I also cannot browse to the folder or
explorer halts. This is after various virus' were removed from the system.
How can I delete this folder? Or is there a better solution to this problem
besides deleting it so that I can, once again, use a virus scanner to
completion and remove the profile?