If you use Control Panel->Data Files->select your Personal folders file
hit settings, what does your .pst file call itself? Personal Folders or
Personal Folders (97-2002)?
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
How to ask a question:
After furious head scratching, Huck Rorick asked:
| Milly,
| How can I tell, or verify, if I have the new unicode format file
| (with 20 gigs)? I did File->New->Outlook Data File-> and then in the
| "New Outlook Data.." window under "Types of Storage" selected
| "Personal Folders File (.pst)" which was the only option. It said
| "Provides storage of items and folders. Compatible with Outlook 97,
| 98 and 200 files"
| This looks like what I had before so I'm wondering how I know this one
| supports 20 gigs?
| Also, I changed the default file and closed the old file that was too
| big. I understand if I truncate the old file I lose data. It seemed
| like I could open a new file, then copy stuff from the old (which I
| was able to do with the mouse into another file already, as I think I
| mentioned in a previous note.) Does this sound like a reasonable
| approach? Of do I have to lose data?
| Thanks,
| Huck
| || You need to reduce the size of your .pst file immediately. Use the
|| pst crop
|| tool (
http://www.slipstick.com/problems/repair2gbpst.asp) - once you
|| have it
|| reduced. create a new .pst file in the newer unicode format (default
|| size is
|| 20 gigs). File->New->Outlook Data File->Personal Folders. Drag your
|| items
|| from the old to the new and then close the old after making the new
|| the default delivery location.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|| How to ask a question:
|| After furious head scratching, Huck Rorick asked:
||| Milly,
||| I did as you said but I got the same error message and it would not
||| delete the reminder. I can't delete the reminder, can't delete the
||| messages in the outbox, or messsages in Drafts.
||| I uninstalled MS Office, then reinstalled. It had the same problem.
||| I seem to remember that Outlook 2002 had a limit on the size data
||| file it could handle. Mine is 1,907,216 KB.
||| I'm getting really desperate. Can you suggest anything else?
||| Thanks,
||| Huck
||| |||| Display your calendar in a Table view and add the reminders column.
|||| Then go
|||| through until you find the errant reminder. Highlight it but do no
|||| open it,
|||| then press delete.
|||| --
|||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|||| How to ask a question:
|||| After furious head scratching, Huck Rorick asked:
||||| Thanks Milly. I followed your instructions and cleared the cache.
||||| However, I still have the same problem. Outlook also won't let me
||||| dismiss reminders.
||||| Any other ideas of what I might do?
||||| Thanks,
||||| Huck
||||| |||||| Tools->Options->Other->Advanced->Custom Forms->Manage
|||||| Forms->Clear Cache.
|||||| --
|||||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|||||| How to ask a question:
|||||| After furious head scratching, Huck Rorick asked:
||||||| I'm using Outlook 2002. I tried running Detect and Repair.
||||||| That didn't help.
||||||| How do you clear the forms cache?
||||||| Thanks,
||||||| Huck
||||||| ||||||| Have you tried running a Detect and Repair? Have you tried
||||||| clearing your forms cache? What version of Outlook are you
||||||| using?
||||||| --
||||||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
||||||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
||||||| How to ask a question:
||||||| After furious head scratching, Huck Rorick asked:
|||||||| I tried to delete an email from Outbox. When I do I get the
|||||||| message
|||||||| "The messaging interface has returned an unknown error. If the
|||||||| problem persists, restart Outlook"
|||||||| I restart Outlook, restart the computer, but still get the same
|||||||| message. If I try to move the message I also get an error.
|||||||| If I try to dismiss a calendar reminder, I get the same error.
|||||||| I try to delete from the Inbox and get the same error.
|||||||| Any idea what could be going on?
|||||||| Thanks for any help,
|||||||| Huck