Can't delete avi file in Win XP


Kevin Hawkins

The solution, I've been told, is to delete the following
registry key:


Will this negatively impact my computer? If I do it and
then successfully delete the AVI file, should I then put
it back into the registry?


I've had this problem before and used Commandprompt to
delete this file. You have to use DOS commands to
navigate and delete the file but it has worked for me in
the past. Might be worth trying that before messing with
the registry.

Ian & Lorraine

Kevin Hawkins said:
The solution, I've been told, is to delete the following
registry key:


Will this negatively impact my computer? If I do it and
then successfully delete the AVI file, should I then put
it back into the registry?

I'm afraid to mess with the registry also. Try this first instead: Create
a new, empty folder and move the problematic avi to that folder. Now just
delete that entire folder.

Let me know if this works for you.


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