Formatted the USB drive as NTFS.
Still says cant copy file. Any ideas?
Still says cant copy file. Any ideas?
[email protected] said:Formatted the USB drive as NTFS.
Still says cant copy file. Any ideas?
Formatted the USB drive as NTFS.
Still says cant copy file. Any ideas?
For information on how to make a good newsgroup posting, read
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of computer problems using a list server.
Formatted the USB drive as NTFS.
Still says cant copy file. Any ideas?
9 gb file??
pretty big file.
perhaps, you might try zipping
it first,
then if it transfers over to the
external drive,
unzipp it.
DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
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- Veteran of the Armed Forces
- @Hotmail.com
- nntp Postologist
~ "share the nirvana" - dbZen
I just remembered you can only zip files up to 2 gigabytes. Can use winrar
to rar the file.
The Grandmaster of the CyberFROG
Come get your ticket to CyberFROG city
Nay, Art thou decideth playeth ye simpleton games. *Some* of us know proper
Very few. I used to take calls from *rank* noobs,
Hamster isn't a newsreader it's a mistake!
El-Gonzo Jackson FROGS both me and Chuckcar
Master Juba was a black man imitating a white man imitating a black man
Using my technical prowess and computer abilities to answer questions beyond
the realm of understandability
Regards Tony... Making usenet better for everyone everyday
Formatted the USB drive as NTFS.
Still says cant copy file. Any ideas?
Formatted the USB drive as NTFS.
Still says cant copy file. Any ideas?
~BD~ said:Mike - you are a detail person, so some advice please.
The pages at the links you posted are, indeed, different.
Each, however, has this item at the bottom of the page:
© Copyright MVP-DTS (DTS-L) 1999 - 2000. All rights reserved.
I find it difficult to understand why the copyright has not been updated
to 2009 - all similar items I've looked at are always kept current.
I'm also wondering why Alex Nichol is listed as a member if that page
*is* current. Why? See http://aumha.org/a/alexpix.htm
Any ideas? TIA
+1 Never had a problem when they are formatted as FAT32, plus anyRickMerrill said:To my shock, I've found that some USB
drives are usable only as FAT32 format!
To my shock, I've found that some USB
drives are usable only as FAT32 format!
Who told you that lie? The original zip format couldn't handle files
larger than 4GB but that was addressed in version 4.5 of the ZIP
format which is currently at version 6.3.2
What's the point of zipping it anyway? You aren't going to compress a
9GB file by very much, and definitely not below 4GB which is a limit
of FAT32. He's better off splitting the file with WinRAR or 7z.
I read it on the internet and on usenet and have tried to zip
files larger than 2 gigabytes to confirm. Yes confirmed you can't
zip a file larger than 2 gigabytes.
I read it on the internet and on usenet and have tried to zip files larger than 2
gigabytes to confirm. Yes confirmed you can't zip a file larger than 2 gigabytes.
The Grandmaster of the CyberFROG
Come get your ticket to CyberFROG city
Nay, Art thou decideth playeth ye simpleton games. *Some* of us know proper
Very few. I used to take calls from *rank* noobs,
Hamster isn't a newsreader it's a mistake!
El-Gonzo Jackson FROGS both me and Chuckcar
Master Juba was a black man imitating a white man imitating a black man
Using my technical prowess and computer abilities to answer questions beyond the
realm of understandability
Regards Tony... Making usenet better for everyone everyday
No, you've just confirmed that YOU cannot zip a file bigger than 2GB.
2GB was never a limitation of the ZIP standard, like I already said.
That file is over 4GB.
For my next trick, I will debunk the myth by ignorant noobs that you
can format the system drive in Windows XP from Windows XP using the
command-line format command.