Can't connect to the Internet - dns error - need help please

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Hi...long story.

Had bad spyware problem.
Cleaned hard drive...didn't get everything
Got help from Dell to reformat hard drive
everything works great...except.
Can't connect to Internet.
All connections working fine as per Dell, Cox, Lynksis
I get an error when connecting:

Here is the error:

I'm about to commit suicide. I can't stand it anymore. Is there any
computer person on the face of the planet Earth smart enough, experienced
enough, to know how to fix this?

I'm a Realtor in my first year of business. I pay my bills using the
Internet. Please help.


Since posting the message below I've discovered a lot of people have this
same problem. It would seem to me that the fix would be the same for

It is a registry key problem...3 weeks ago I didn't know what a registry key

I just did the spychecker XPfix and it didn't work for me. I was so hoping
that it would. This is a common problem...Microsoft must be dealing with
this every day on their phone support. That's my next $35 and
hope they can help me.

Hi Taylor :-)

The problem is most likely that your registry has been corrupted, which can
sometimes happen when you pull out a piece of spyware that lurks in some
essential keys.

NOTE: Before you do anything, create a system restore point if possible, and
back up your Registry

You don't mention what version of WIndows or IE you are using, but, here are
some steps you can try and see if they will help:

Another option.. Go to your connection.
1.My Network Places>View network connections.
2.Right click on the connection and click properties.
3.Click internet protocol and click properties.
4.Make sure obtain ip auto is checked
5.Click advanced
6.Add gateway >
7.Click>ok>ok>close (might take awhile)
8.Open Ie explorer and click File>Work Offline then click refresh,
9.If Work offline was already off... just refresh

If now joy....

Winsock and LSP Fixes

Removal of some types of spyware can damage the Winsock keys in the
Registry. Spywares use the Layered Service Providers (LSP), small software
items added or inserted into the Winsocks. Data that is outward bound from
your computer to a legitimate destination on the Internet can be intercepted
by an LSP and sent other than intended. To correct the damage and repair
the IE connection download and run the programs below:
(if your OS is Win2k or XP) The process of removing certain malware may kill
your internet connection. If this should occur, this program, LSPFIX, will
enable you to regain your connection.


Winsock Fix Utility

WinsockXP Fix for XP
Also, with instructions, at


Additional LPS Information:,,sid1_gci213375,00.html,,sid1_gci213376,00.html

(scroll down the list to the lsp.dll files here)


Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasites:

What You Should Know About Spyware

If these steps do not resolve your problem, or you need help with the above,
please post back to this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
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Taylor1929 said:
Hi...long story.

Had bad spyware problem.
Cleaned hard drive...didn't get everything
Got help from Dell to reformat hard drive
everything works great...except.
Can't connect to Internet.
All connections working fine as per Dell, Cox, Lynksis
I get an error when connecting:

Here is the error:

I'm about to commit suicide. I can't stand it anymore. Is there any
computer person on the face of the planet Earth smart enough, experienced
enough, to know how to fix this?

I'm a Realtor in my first year of business. I pay my bills using the
Internet. Please help.


Did you try LSP-Fix - a free program to repair damaged Winsock 2 stacks (all
Windows versions)
Winsockfix for W95, W98, and ME
Directions here:
and WinSockxpFix
How to Reset Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in Windows XP
WinXP SP2: Go to Start | Run and type
In the command window type
netsh winsock reset

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC

Since posting the message below I've discovered a lot of people have this
same problem. It would seem to me that the fix would be the same for

It is a registry key problem...3 weeks ago I didn't know what a registry key

I just did the spychecker XPfix and it didn't work for me. I was so hoping
that it would. This is a common problem...Microsoft must be dealing with
this every day on their phone support. That's my next $35 and
hope they can help me.


Before you waste $35, try installing the Firefox web browser. There exists
a possibility that you are not having a Winsock problem, but an Internet
Explorer problem. In that case, Firefox will work fine, while Internet
Explorer claims to be having "DNS errors."

Winsock-fixing scripts can actually break Winsock when "fixing" problems
that aren't there.

Reinstalling Windows would fix the problem, but that isn't usually an
option with preinstalled Windows XP systems (no installation CD).

Firefox can be found at:

It is 5 megabytes. Smaller than most MP3s. Totally untargeted by
spyware programmers.

Non-browser-resident spyware may still be installed and running on
your computer. Watch out. I've had spyware hide in my Scheduled
Tasks, as an alternative to the "Run" key in the Registry.

<ASIDE STYLE="attitude: **** Internet Explorer">
I came in this newsgroup looking for a solution to the same problem--
Microsoft's MSDN site only seemed to work with IE, and my IE installation
is FUBAR (so-called "DNS Errors" that have nothing to do with DNS,
fix-scripts have no effect, and the HJT output is almost empty).
Fortunately, I found a workaround called GreaseMonkey, and won't be
needing Internet Explorer after all.