Can someone please help
i get this error msg 'Runtime Error 2585, this action cant be carried out
while processing a form or report event
Here is my script
'If Quote Exceeds Quote Valid For Days Then Display MsgBox.
If Date >= (QuoteCreatedDate + Quote_Valid_For_Days + 1) And
Combo73.Value = "Quote Sent" Then
Dim Response3 As Byte
Response3 = MsgBox("Quote Has Exceeded Valid For Days. Status Will
Change To Quote Rejected ", vbInformation, "Work Order's Database")
If Response3 = vbOK Then
Frame384.Value = 2
Combo73.Value = "Quote Rejected" 'Status to Quote Rejected.
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Work Orders"
End If
End If
on clicking ok on the msgbox certain events occurr on my form "work orders"
and them im trying to close the form. the code DoCmd.Close acForm, "Work
is bringing this error msg up.
Does anyone know how i can close my form when the events have finished.
Thanks to anyonewho looks into this
i get this error msg 'Runtime Error 2585, this action cant be carried out
while processing a form or report event
Here is my script
'If Quote Exceeds Quote Valid For Days Then Display MsgBox.
If Date >= (QuoteCreatedDate + Quote_Valid_For_Days + 1) And
Combo73.Value = "Quote Sent" Then
Dim Response3 As Byte
Response3 = MsgBox("Quote Has Exceeded Valid For Days. Status Will
Change To Quote Rejected ", vbInformation, "Work Order's Database")
If Response3 = vbOK Then
Frame384.Value = 2
Combo73.Value = "Quote Rejected" 'Status to Quote Rejected.
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Work Orders"
End If
End If
on clicking ok on the msgbox certain events occurr on my form "work orders"
and them im trying to close the form. the code DoCmd.Close acForm, "Work
is bringing this error msg up.
Does anyone know how i can close my form when the events have finished.
Thanks to anyonewho looks into this