Can't Click on Links

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marie
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When I do a search on the web, the results show up, but
the sponsored links to the right don't allow me to click
on them.
-----Original Message-----
When I do a search on the web, the results show up, but
the sponsored links to the right don't allow me to click
on them.
You're not alone. Mine does the same thing on Google,
and it's been like this for a long time. I end up doing a
copy and paste. Wish I knew a solution...but - Alas! - I
Hi Marie and Jan - Try this. Go to Start|Run and enter "regsvr32 /i
urlmon.dll" (without the quotes). After you get a Success message, re-boot.
If that doesn't work, then check out the following article and do the
additional steps outlined there:

You Cannot Open New Internet Explorer Window or Nothing Happens After You
Click a Link;en-us;Q281679

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Hi Jim

No, this didn't seem to change anything. I tried all of
the fixes in the Knowledgebase article and rebooted.
When doing a search on Google, the links at the right of
the search-results page (the green bar part) do not
appear to be active links at all. They behave as if they
are plain response at all. The paid links that
come up at the top of the search-results page behave as
if they're live links, but when the pointer hovers over
one, in the status bar it simply says "go to" and clicking it produces nothing. All
of the rest of the links on the page will work. It
appears to only affect the paid-links sections. I bet
that makes them happy, eh?

Any other advice?
OK, Jan - Some questions. Are you searching using the Google toolbar or
just from the Address bar with Google selected as the search provider in
Customize|Autosearch Settings? can you give me a specific search which
results in this behavior?

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

-----Original Message-----
OK, Jan - Some questions. Are you searching using the Google toolbar or
just from the Address bar with Google selected as the search provider in
Customize|Autosearch Settings? can you give me a specific search which
results in this behavior?
I'm typing in the standard IE address bar:
Then, from Google itself, I type something like: WAP54G
searching for a wireless access point. When the results
come up, the paid ads at the top are for Amazon and
Pricegrabber, etc. Hovering over the links for those, I
get only: "go to" in the status bar,
but the links themselves produce nothing when clicked.
On the right of the Google results page are the Sponsored
links. Those come up as ordinary text would (as if there
were no link at all)

Does my browser have a problem with Javascript? I had
been assuming it did, and just doing a copy & paste thing
for a workaround.

Hi Jan - Well, I don't think this has anything to do with Javascript, but
you can test Javascript here: For JavaScript, download the
latest engine for your particular OS here:
(URL may wrap.) Get both "Windows Script 5.6" and "JScript 5.6 Security
Patch" for your particular OS.

Speaking of which, what is your OS and Service Pack level? I think you may
need to reinstall IE, and how I need to tell you to do that depends on your

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Hi Jim

Test went fine, so it's not Javascript. productID=&freetext=jscript&DisplayLang=en
(URL may wrap.) Get both "Windows Script 5.6" and "JScript 5.6 Security

Got both and installed them, rebooted, same behavior.
Speaking of which, what is your OS and Service Pack

XP Home - Service Pack 2 - all updates are current. This
is a new Dell 8400 system. By the way, this issue was
not a product of the SP2 download, because it was
occurring on SP1 also.
I think you may
need to reinstall IE, and how I need to tell you to do
that depends on your

That sounds like a plan. If you tell me where to look, I
will do that. OR, I also have a copy of XP Pro upgrade
that I haven't installed yet. I had bought it for the
old computer, then changed my mind and bought a whole new
system. Should I run this instead and hope for the
best? Or should I fix the problems in Home version
before trying to upgrade? Or should I not mess with the
upgrade to Pro now that I've got SP2 in place? Don't
want to make matters worse...LOL

Hi Jan - Your last post implied that you installed SP2 via the Windows
Update download. Is this correct? Do you also have SP2 available on a CD
or only via the download?

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Hi Jan - Your last post implied that you installed SP2
via the Windows
Update download. Is this correct? Do you also have SP2 available on a CD
or only via the download?
Hi Jim
Only by download. I didn't think to order the CD because
the download time wasn't all that bad on my satellite
connection. Should I have ordered it instead?

Thanks Jan
Hi Jan - In a word, maybe! I would try and find it on a disk if you can (a
number of computer magazines are offering it with current issues) or order
it from MS. It may affect how you need to do the IE reinstall. The MS
Knowledge Base article which concerns this, 318378, is a little murky about
the SP2 IE reinstall situation (but essentially says to reinstall SP2 to
reinstall IE), and I'm going to give you some alternative procedures to try
first to repair or reinstall IE. Do the following in order, and test
whether your problem's fixed after each one, and if so, stop:

There is no direct Repair function for IE6 in XP. Here are some

1. With XP you need to go to Start|Run and type "sfc /scannow" (without the
quotes and notice the space between the c and the /.) Have your XP CD handy
and be prepared to go get a cup of coffee - it takes a while. This will do
the same thing as Repair IE6 for XP but a lot more, that is find any corrupt
system files and replace them. It does not, however, re-register the
various software components (except possibly the ones it replaces?) AFAIK.

Be aware that under certain circumstances (Win2k before SP4 - see mskb
[and in my personal experience, after SP4 also, BTW, for certain hotfixes])
sfc can erroneously overwrite (restore over) previously installed files from
certain "hotfixes" which will then need to be re-installed. This _may_ also
apply to XP. To check for this, after running sfc, open a Cmd window and
enter "qfecheck /v /l:c:\" (without the quotes). If you don't have qfecheck
installed, it can be obtained for XP here: and for
Win2k, obtain qfecheck here:

2. Another alternative for just IE6 repair if you don't have IE6 listed in
Add-Remove Programs, then in Start|Run then enter

"rundll32 setupwbv.dll,IE6Maintenance"

without the quotes, exactly as shown, and select the appropriate entry.

3. We don't know for sure if this still works with SP2 installed, but you
can try it. If you find that you need to do a re-install of IE6 then
consider the following:

1) Insert the Windows installation CD in your CD-ROM drive.
2) Click Start, and click Run.
3) Copy the command prompt below in the Open box, and click OK.

"Rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132
c:\windows\inf\ie.inf" (without the quotes)

4) It will display a "File Needed" screen, click "Browse.." and browse to
<CD-ROM drive>\i386, (<CD-ROM drive> is the drive letter of the CD-ROM,
For example, D:).

5) Click Open, click Ok, it should begin reinstalling Internet Explorer

4. If number 3, above, doesn't work for reinstalling IE6 with SP2
installed, you'll have to reinstall SP2. (Which is why having the disk
version available would be useful.) Here is a link to a MSKB article about
re-installing IE6/OE6:

How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in Windows
XP (Q318378);en-us;Q318378

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

OK, Jim

I've printed it out and will order the SP2 CD in a few
minutes. It's too bad there isn't a version where one
could download it and burn the CD, but that would
probably be risky on quality, wouldn't it? HooBoy, that
wouldn't be too good.

My, but this thread is getting long, isn't it? I've
taken a lot of your time, and I thank you so much for all
your help. I bet we'll get it fixed this time!

Everything Jim has said sounds so confusing for me, the
novice. Is there an easier way to try and fix this
Everything Jim has said sounds so confusing for me, the
novice. Is there an easier way to try and fix this
Hi Marie

It appears that we sort of took over your original
conversation, didn't we? Sorry about that! Are the
problems you're having the same as the ones I described?
If so, and if you're not sure about tackling the fix, you
might print out Jim's messages. You could then have them
ready for someone to go through and help you with it. Do
you have anyone nearby who would do this for you? Do you
have the CD of service pack 2? If not, then you may have
to get one and have it on hand to use when you're ready.
That way things will be in order and ready when you are.

I will post back here when I get everything finished on
this end, OK? Good luck to you!

Hi Jim

I followed your list and couldn't find anything amiss.
Finally, out of frustration, I uninstalled SP2 and every
single Hotfix on this computer, repaired XP from the
original XP install CD, and reinstalled SP2. Went to
Google and still couldn't get any of the Sponsored Links
to work. (They would work on Yahoo, but not Google)

And I've found out what my problem was all this time:

we've spent, I feel like a total idiot. Since I've used
Norton Firewall for a long, long time, I guess it just
never occurred to me that it would block something that
it had never blocked before. (My husband uses it too,
and his computer was working fine on this same matter.)
Well here's a "DUH" in capital letters.....

I guess it's a lesson learned and when the next person
starts howling about Google links, you can tell them to
try that FIRST!

Sorry for putting you to all the trouble, I really am.

Marie said:
When I do a search on the web, the results show up, but
the sponsored links to the right don't allow me to click
on them.

Is this a Google results page as Jan was describing?

The presentation is a bit confusing IMO.
Unless you have the option active to underline links
or to use a "Hover color" you might not realize that
the "link" portion of the ad is actually the text at the top
and the URL that you can see at the bottom is just text.

This could be a case where tabbing could help you find a link.
Double click on some text in the ad and press Backtab.
You should then see the link enclosed in a box of dotted lines
and if you use a Hover color the text for the link will change to that color.
Press Enter to use the link.


Robert Aldwinckle
Hi Jan - Well, first, glad you got it fixed. Then, it's really my bad! I
don't allow software by Symantec on any of my machines except for testing
(just because of things like this and worse), and I just forgot to ask you
about that. :)

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Thanks, Robert, for pointing that out. I've added that to the canned post.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP
