Hi James--
Please let us know exactly the steps you have taken and I'll try to tell you
how to change the icon but as Andre says be specific and we can try to help
Use short phrases and > to get this accross and be specific if you are
trying to change an explorer type icon.
I use Right Click of the icon whether it is an Explorer Icon or a 3rd Party
or MSFT icon. I'll elaborate:
I was able to Right Click Start Button>Open All Users or Explore All
users>Right click one of the explorer icons on the left pane that opens
up>and change to any icon available (either the default ones used or the
ones I have from the 3 sources I name below). In the start menu folder that
comes up you can right click for example Default Programs and thave the
System 32 images.dll folder's icons available as default but you can type in
any file path you want (your Favicons folder if you jmake one or you could
go to C:\ (if that's your OS drive)\Program Files\Microsoft Office or
C:\Program Files\Nero to grab icons to exchange or any program you've
I was able to open up any explorer folder and right click for example
Documents, Pictures, or Music and hit the change icon button in the dialogue
box and change those icons to any icon I navigated to as I've described
above and below.
Apparently you are trying to change the icons on the Start menu from either
MSFT programs or 3rd party programs. I just went to my Start menu and
picked on two icons and changed them to whatever I wanted. I make a folder
that has several hundred icons I collect that I either obtain from typing a
url+adding favicon.ico to a url (not all urls yield an icon and dragggint
the icon to a folder I call favicons and you must change its name when you
do this for it to survive a reboot before it changes to a generic IE "e."
Other sources for icons are Sytem 32 .dlls, folders, and any MSFT program
(like Office) or third party program using the Change Icon dialogue. The
favicon folder I go to when I do that when I want an icon from it from my
So short version--I had no trouble changing a MSFT program Icon (Win Mail
that's native to Vista) or any of the 3rd party programs on my Start menu to
any icon I could find by going to a program folder, a system 32 folder or
..dll that has icons (many of them) or my Favicon collection I've trolled
from the web. I also go to free icon sites and collect icons from them and
drag them to my favicon folder.
If I have to I can email you pics to nail it for you if that's your email
address below. But you have to tell us two things.
1) Precisely what icon are you trying to change.
2) Exactly what are the steps (every one of them) you're deploying to get it
Thanks and good luck,