Well, I was kinda tired when I posted that.
But in my defense, that is a serious problem, and approaching it can make all the difference in the world if he has data he wants to recover, especially if he is using ntfs and the security hive is the corrupted one.
If you've never had the "pleasure" of attempting to recover something like this, count yourself lucky. I'd rather he be pleasantly surprised if something is recovered, than expecting this is an easy quick fix.
And I should mention, you're not gonna find any files named 'hive' on the pc.
I've been accused of worse than attending the That tact and diplomacy school.
usually "subtle as a train wreck" "sensitive as a rock" "as smooth as gravel".
Not much for political correctness either
That statement would be filed in the "you have such a quaint way of phrasing things" category....
Oh now that I think of it, maybe he has a system restore point to fall back on, but that will likely need to be done from the f8 menu prompt. Shoulda thought of that.....earlier. but nothing I told him will effect that, and should supply some useful information.