Can't an admin unlock another admin's user account?

  • Thread starter Thread starter M Skabialka
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M Skabialka

I have a Win2K server that is part of a domain. I have a local admin
account set up by our HQ to maintain users, exchange accounts etc. I always
log into the server as the admin, but my client user account has admin

Yesterday when setting up a new PC, I somehow ended up locking out my user
account, so went to the server to unlock it.

But I was unable to! All of the fields in my account were grayed out.

Our HQ says that is just the way Win2K is, but I know that in the past I
have been able to unlock my account when it got locked.

I am insisting that I have always until now been able to make changes to my
user account when logged in as the admin.

Has there been a recent patch or service pack that may have changed this?
We keep up to date with these.

You need to describe this better.

It sounds like you have two accounts.


One is used for working on client's and one is for working on servers?

You say admin privs but don't say how you get them, what specific groups are you
in or are the permissions delegated?

If both accounts are, for instance in account ops or server ops or one of those
built in groups, then your HQ is correct. That is by design, read up on
sDAdminHolder functionality.