Can't add transition

  • Thread starter Thread starter Scorpio
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I am trying to add a transition i drag and drop it doesn't work. Can you
please let me know if there is another way.
Scorpio said:
I am trying to add a transition i drag and drop it doesn't work. Can
you please let me know if there is another way.
Define "doesn't work".


John Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

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I can't add it to my timeline...

John Inzer said:
Define "doesn't work".


John Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

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Scorpio said:
I can't add it to my timeline...

Switch from timeline to storyboard view. Select the desired transition and
drag it to the little "star" in the lower left corner of the movie/clip.
Does that work?
Scorpio said:
I can't add it to my timeline...
Duh! Thanks for assuming I'm stupid.

Believe it or not...if you do not post
details we have no idea what you are
trying to accomplish.

IOW...are you working with video clips
or still shots?

Are you able to apply transitions to
some clips and not to others?

Are all transitions failing or just certain

Is the project so complex that you are
exceeding your system resources?


John Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

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I tryed that doesn't add it

walter said:
Switch from timeline to storyboard view. Select the desired transition and
drag it to the little "star" in the lower left corner of the movie/clip.
Does that work?
John Inzer said:
Duh! Thanks for assuming I'm stupid.
I never said you where stupid omg sorry I thought you knew what I was talking about...
Believe it or not...if you do not post
details we have no idea what you are
trying to accomplish.

ok ok
IOW...are you working with video clips
or still shots?

Are you able to apply transitions to
some clips and not to others?

yes I am able there is only one that I can't add
Are all transitions failing or just certain

Just one is faling
Is the project so complex that you are
exceeding your system resources?

no it's not

I hope I answered properly.....
Only one transition....OK.

And even then you don't clarify if the problem
is a picture or a movie clip. I'll just dust off my
crystal ball and answer anyway.

Here's a possibility...

Maybe you went to...Tools / Options / Advanced...
and altered the Transition/Picture duration.

If the Picture duration is not greater than the
Transition duration you can only add a transition
to every other picture.


John Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

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John said:
Only one transition....OK.

And even then you don't clarify if the problem
is a picture or a movie clip. I'll just dust off my
crystal ball and answer anyway.

It's stunning how many people in need of help think you're sitting there
watching them try to do whatever it is they're trying to do, on the machine
they're trying to do it with.

Even more stunning, is when they get upset if someone offers a suggestion
they've already tried. As if the person offering help should somehow know
what has or hasn't been tried without being told.
Here's a possibility...

Maybe you went to...Tools / Options / Advanced...
and altered the Transition/Picture duration.

If the Picture duration is not greater than the
Transition duration you can only add a transition
to every other picture.

You're a very patient man, John. And most informative as well. I didn't
know that last bit about transition/picture durations. Was a good thing to
learn. Thanks.
walter said:
It's stunning how many people in need of help think you're sitting
there watching them try to do whatever it is they're trying to do, on
the machine they're trying to do it with.

It does seem that way.

Even more stunning, is when they get upset if someone offers a
suggestion they've already tried. As if the person offering help
should somehow know what has or hasn't been tried without being told.

Actually...if a poster would include the
things they have tried in their message...
we could be more useful.

You're a very patient man, John. And most informative as well. I
didn't know that last bit about transition/picture durations. Was a
good thing to learn. Thanks.
Thanks for the compliment.

I'm happy to be of service. may
not be the fix that scorpio was seeking.


John Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk
John Inzer said:

It does seem that way.


Actually...if a poster would include the
things they have tried in their message...
we could be more useful.

Thanks for the compliment.

I'm happy to be of service. may
not be the fix that scorpio was seeking.

Thanks alot of that last bit of information about transitions/picture
Good to know.
But that didn't fix my problem it's ok thanks alot for you help. I will try
to put all details next time i have a question. Sorry
Scorpio said:
Thanks alot of that last bit of information about transitions/picture
Good to know.
But that didn't fix my problem it's ok thanks alot for you help. I
will try to put all details next time i have a question. Sorry
No problem...we all had to learn.

The issue must be an incompability with the
source file. Could you try using a different file
just to see if that's what it is.

I know I touched on it before...but sometimes
a project can get too complex.


John Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
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Proceed at your own risk
John said:
Scorpio wrote:
No problem...we all had to learn.

The issue must be an incompability with the
source file. Could you try using a different file
just to see if that's what it is.

I know I touched on it before...but sometimes
a project can get too complex.

Would you be so kind as to elaborate on what you mean by a project becoming
"too complex"?

Does the WMM program have limitations in and of itself as to the physical
size of the project, number of transistions, effects added, etc. or does the
complexity of the project have more to do with the machine it's being built

In other words, (picking numbers out of thin air here) if person "A" has
512MB of RAM and 5 gigs free on the HD, is he more likely to run into a
project complexity issue than person "B", who has 4GB of RAM and 100 gigs
free HD space?

I'm asking only about project size/contents here. Not burning. I am aware
that limited free RAM and HD space can result in "bad" burns. Been there,
done that, made the coasters. :-)

Thanks for your time.
Movie Maker can use up to 2 GB of memory, slowing down considerably when it
goes over the amount of RAM but still going as long as there's room left in
virtual memory/swap file. At the 2 GB point, you'll get an error message
with several possible reasons, but nothing about running out of memory.

Everything in a project adds to its complexity.... images, clips,
transitions, effects, etc. Also, your quality settings when saving the
movies effects it... a high quality WMV file needs more memory to save the
movie than a DV-AVI file or a low quality wmv.

Unfortunately, there's no complexity meter. You can check memory usage in
your Task Manager... it'll give you a feel for how it's going.
walter said:
Would you be so kind as to elaborate on what you mean by a project
becoming "too complex"?
Be aware I'm no expert and the best info
is found at the following sites:


Movie Makers.

Anyway...(in a nutshell) when your system
resources choke on's too complex.
Does the WMM program have limitations in and of itself as to the
physical size of the project, number of transistions, effects added,
etc. or does the complexity of the project have more to do with the
machine it's being built with?
Your system resources dictate your limits.
In other words, (picking numbers out of thin air here) if person "A"
has 512MB of RAM and 5 gigs free on the HD, is he more likely to run
into a project complexity issue than person "B", who has 4GB of RAM
and 100 gigs free HD space?
No doubt...the more RAM and free space...
the less likely it is that you will encounter
resource issues.

A user with 512 MB of RAM and 5 GB free
Hard Drive space probably should not be
considering a hobby of video editing.

As for free personal suggestion
is that your hard drive be at 'least' 50% free. 400GB system disk has
348 GB free.

These days with huge external hard drives
available at reasonable prices there is no
reason to fill your system drive with your
collection of personal files.
I'm asking only about project size/contents here. Not burning. I am
aware that limited free RAM and HD space can result in "bad" burns. Been
there, done that, made the coasters. :-)

Thanks for your time.
System resource issues and source file
compatiblity issues comprise the bulk of
Movie Maker problems.

Just a personal opinion...I find that most
viewers are more interested in the real
content of a video presentation and not
all the bells and whistles that are merely
added to impress...Special
it were. And...creating extremely long
projects is an excellent way to put your
viewers to sleep.


John Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk