Can't activate firewall



When I try to activate the internet connection firewall
for my dial up connection, nothing happens or comes up
either from "change settings of this connection" or right
clicking on the connection and highlighting "properties".
I can activate the firewall under the LAN or Highspeed
connection, but that isn't being used.
Any ideas on this?

Brian Tillman

When I try to activate the internet connection firewall
for my dial up connection, nothing happens or comes up
either from "change settings of this connection" or right
clicking on the connection and highlighting "properties".

Do you use AOL? This is something AOL does: disables the properties of the
dial up connection so you can't change it. It could be your dial up service
has done that as well.
Brian Tillman Internet: Brian.Tillman at smiths-aerospace dot com
Smiths Aerospace Addresses modified to prevent SPAM.
3290 Patterson Ave. SE, MS 1B3 Replace "at" with "@", "dot" with "."
Grand Rapids, MI 49512-1991
This opinion doesn't represent that of my company

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