Can't access the data on my slave (old)drive after reinstalling XP on the master



Why can't I access the data on my slave drive after
reinstalling Windows XP on the master drive?

I just installed a new Western Digital hard drive and ran
into this problem - exactly as described in the Western
Digital trouble shooting page....which says..."This issue
is related to the operating system and is beyond the
basic level of support offered by Western Digital.
Because this is a Windows operating system issue, please
contact Microsoft for technical support on this issue
after verifying that you have installed and jumpered all
of your IDE devices correctly."

Any suggestions?

Jim Macklin


The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

message | Why can't I access the data on my slave drive after
| reinstalling Windows XP on the master drive?
| I just installed a new Western Digital hard drive and ran
| into this problem - exactly as described in the Western
| Digital trouble shooting page....which says..."This issue
| is related to the operating system and is beyond the
| basic level of support offered by Western Digital.
| Because this is a Windows operating system issue, please
| contact Microsoft for technical support on this issue
| after verifying that you have installed and jumpered all
| of your IDE devices correctly."
| Any suggestions?

Sharon F

If so, this is a Roxio GoBack problem as described in
Microsoft's Knowledge Base
us;330140&Product=winxp). I have this problem and I
haven't been able to find an answer anywhere.

Eric, you need to remove the drive from GoBack's watchful eye. GoBack adds
some info to the partition that can only be bypassed or removed by the
GoBack software. Alternatively, the drive can be repartitioned and
formatted sans GoBack.


-----Original Message-----

Eric, you need to remove the drive from GoBack's watchful eye. GoBack adds
some info to the partition that can only be bypassed or removed by the
GoBack software. Alternatively, the drive can be repartitioned and
formatted sans GoBack.
Hi Sharon,
I just reinstalled GoBack and lo and behold, the missing
hard drive reappears. After searching everywhere for an
answer, the solution was as simple as reinstalling
GoBack, that's it (it is now Norton GoBack by the way,
not Roxio).

Just in case readers are wondering what happened to my

I have two physical hard drives, Windows XP was in C:,
the second was D: slave. I re-formatted C: and
reinstalled XP. After successful reinstallation, the
slave drive did not appear in My Computer, although it
was in Device Manager and Disk Management with no drive
letter. When I right-clicked the problem drive in Disk
Management, the only option available was "Delete
Partition..." I tried the command prompt using Diskpart
commands but that didn't work either.

What I should have done before reinstalling XP was
uninstall GoBack.

Sharon F

Hi Sharon,
I just reinstalled GoBack and lo and behold, the missing
hard drive reappears. After searching everywhere for an
answer, the solution was as simple as reinstalling
GoBack, that's it (it is now Norton GoBack by the way,
not Roxio).

Just in case readers are wondering what happened to my

I have two physical hard drives, Windows XP was in C:,
the second was D: slave. I re-formatted C: and
reinstalled XP. After successful reinstallation, the
slave drive did not appear in My Computer, although it
was in Device Manager and Disk Management with no drive
letter. When I right-clicked the problem drive in Disk
Management, the only option available was "Delete
Partition..." I tried the command prompt using Diskpart
commands but that didn't work either.

What I should have done before reinstalling XP was
uninstall GoBack.

Thanks for the reminder that GoBack belongs to Symantec these days. I must
have slipped into a time warp or something to bring up Roxio. We've seen
drives disappear because of GoBack's involvement before. I'm glad that the
mention of the product set you off in the right direction for getting this
fixed. Thanks for posting back and letting us know the details of how you
resolved the situation.

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