can't access Linksys router through IE6

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve Anderson
  • Start date Start date

Steve Anderson

Hi, I recently reinstalled WinXP and updated to SP2. Since then I haven't
been able to access my router through IE. But I can through my Mac just
fine, so I know the address is correct and that the router is functioning
(most internet apps work). So I'm thinking it's either IE or something else
in SP2 that is causing the problem. I have the firewall turned off... Any
ideas, thoughts, suggestions? The error I get is:
Gateway Timeout
The following error occurred:
Server unreachable

Note that the user/password screens shows up right away on my Mac. Thanks,
any help would be appreciated.

Steve A.
Hard to say without a network trace, but you might be attempting to use a
cached password that is failing when connecting to your firewall. Create a
short cut using the line below and see if you have a cached password - if so,
delete it and try again.

%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr

Another option would be to use the IP address of the firewall to connect
instead of the URL address.
Thanks for the response. Is there a free utility that will do network
traces? I checked and the only cached password I have is a .NET passport. I
do us the IP when trying to connect (ie/ http://###.###.###.###/) is that
the correct way? Ttyl.

Steve A.