Peter M
I would be greatful for any help on the following problem:
I managed to make my WinXP/SP2 Unbootable by installing something called
"IDE Mini driver".
The system just reboots over and over.
I cant reach Windows even if I try booting up in safe mode.
I then mounted another disk as master and installed windows xp on it.
I also installed the "old" disk as slave......
!!! ... and I can access all data on the corrupt (slave) disk - EXCEPT FOR
The data in "Documents and Settings\myAccountXX" !!!
I only get "Access denied"
I remember I made this folder "private" some year ago during creation of a
password for "My Documents"
* Is this a cryptation problem?
* Anyone knows what to do? I know the user / password for the old
* If I can't access the onfo using the "slave-disk" concept, could I boot up
from an XP installation-disk and select the repair - option?
My only XP-CD is has no servicepack in it, and the problem-disk has XP SP2
Desperate for help!
I would be greatful for any help on the following problem:
I managed to make my WinXP/SP2 Unbootable by installing something called
"IDE Mini driver".
The system just reboots over and over.
I cant reach Windows even if I try booting up in safe mode.
I then mounted another disk as master and installed windows xp on it.
I also installed the "old" disk as slave......
!!! ... and I can access all data on the corrupt (slave) disk - EXCEPT FOR
The data in "Documents and Settings\myAccountXX" !!!
I only get "Access denied"
I remember I made this folder "private" some year ago during creation of a
password for "My Documents"
* Is this a cryptation problem?
* Anyone knows what to do? I know the user / password for the old
* If I can't access the onfo using the "slave-disk" concept, could I boot up
from an XP installation-disk and select the repair - option?
My only XP-CD is has no servicepack in it, and the problem-disk has XP SP2
Desperate for help!