I use CCCP with the included Zoom Player . Has played everything I have thrown at it . It comes with the Zoom Player 5 (best player on the planet) and Media Player Classic and you can choose to load them or not . I also have Xvid 1.1.2 installed but that is not needed for playing files only for encoding .
I really like the last part of the FAQ
I don't want to be a newbie. What can I do to attain enlightenment?
Good question, young grasshopper. ^_^ The first step on the way towards knowledge is admitting one's lack of knowledge.
The second thing you should do is learn to read (and write) proper English if it isn't your native language already. Almost all interesting literature (and webpages) are in English, and you will be severely impaired if you don't understand it.
The next step is to read this FAQ. Twice. Slowly.
You are then ready for one of the greatest steps: learning to use a search engine - Google. Google is the most powerful information-gathering tool ever invented by man, and most people only use a small fraction of its true abilities. The important thing isn't to learn to search (that's simple), the important thing is learning what to search for and how to use the results. This is a mysterious Art that is hard to learn and even harder to teach. Most people never master it, but even a lesser degree of mastery is incredibly useful. Mastering it completely can take years or decades, but what you need to do is to practice using it and always be aware that it exists. Mastery will come with time.
Another Art whose intricacies you will need to familiarize yourself with is the art of asking good questions. Questions are not bad in principle (even if the people in various IRC channels can make it seem so), but it's very easy to be lazy and sway to the dark side. If you do that, the forces of Evil (the ones with "@" before their names) will invariably rise from their restless sleep and smite you with the forces of a ban. Never Google before you have read the FAQ and the manual (if any), and never ask before you have Googled. The forces of Evil might be evil, but their knowledge is vast and they can indeed help the unfortunate wanderer if properly summoned. Use your language well, lest they mistake you for a Narutard and permanently ban you. When summoning them, always make it very clear that you already have tried to find the answer yourself and how you tried to find it, or they will only snort in contempt and cast the ancient curse of RTFM on you. Be wary around them, for their powers are great and they do not have much patience for people with stupid questions - they have seen legions of such fools pass before their eyes already.
If you need to find more knowledge than FAQ and manuals provide, there are many sources that you can consult. The ancient keep of Doom9 has a great library with numerous pieces of wisdom, many links and pointers to other places where enlightenment might be attained, and also a big forum where developers, newbies, seekers of truth and trolls thrive in symbiosis. Be wary when visiting the forum, for it is hard to know right from wrong and truth from falsehood. On the net, illusions exist within illusions and you will often have to find out the truth yourself, for you cannot always trust the advice of others. Google can help you find more libraries of arcane knowledge if used properly, so mastering its use is a big step on the way.
Whatever you do, NEVER, EVER enter Darkhold. It's a place of evil like no other, and if you enter unprepared the powers that reside there will surely consume your soul. You will know when you're ready, and you are probably far from there when you read this. Read the
[link removed for redirecting to scantly clad women: mucks]
The road towards enlightenment is hard and has no end - the road itself is the goal. What you do does not matter as much as how you do it. Seek enlightenment, and may Google and the forces of encoding be with you.