m a r g o
While printing pictures today, there was a dark band running across the
bottom of the page. A nozzle check showed the bottom half the grid of
photo magenta doesn't print.
I did a several deep cleaning runs but there wasn't any change in the
nozzle check.
I have an S820 which is also a 6 ink printer head. Can I swap these?
Will there be any difference in photo quality if I do?
Is there anything else I can do to unplug the nozzle?
bottom of the page. A nozzle check showed the bottom half the grid of
photo magenta doesn't print.
I did a several deep cleaning runs but there wasn't any change in the
nozzle check.
I have an S820 which is also a 6 ink printer head. Can I swap these?
Will there be any difference in photo quality if I do?
Is there anything else I can do to unplug the nozzle?