Canon S600

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marme
  • Start date Start date


I ran out of ink and tried to refill, didn't work so put
in anPrint-rite sub and still no work. Recognizes the ink
is full and will print from the scanner in black and
white but will not print black from excel, or internet or
from print test page. What is wrong???? Help tried align
and only prints 2 columns and no first column only 2 and
3. Have also cleaned nozzles . It keeps telling me to Do
not start another operation until the currant one has
finished. And I have not started another op. Thanks
The message you quote only comes up when it's still busy with one of the
maintenance operations you say you've already performed, like cleaning, deep
cleaning and alighment.

It possibly needs a new print head. I've had quite a lot of success with
this printer by removing the ink cartridges, removing the print head and
holding it under warm water (alternating top and bottom) until the water
runs completely clear. You then need to rest it on a paper towel, and
leaving it overnight (or longer if necessary) until it is completely dry.

Luckily the print head for this printer is not nearly as expensive as the
ones for the S800 range (with the 6 tank capacity). If you do need a new
one, they're about $40 at
