I've had it for 2 years and brilliant performance.
Yesterday started printing black and magenta only.
Done all the diagnostics. Re-installed latest driver, changed cartridges
(Canon originals) repeatedly, cleaned print-head several times and it's just
the same. Nozzle test prints black and magenta only.
It is probably a failed print-head but why did it fail? Canon don't even
mention print-head failure in their handbook or on their site.
Canon Technical Support do not respond to e-mail questions and I need my
printer fixed.
Quite happy to buy new one if print-head is the problem because replacements
are ridiculously expensive.
Can anybody in this NG tell me for sure if it can only be a failed
print-head and put me out of my misery?
Yesterday started printing black and magenta only.
Done all the diagnostics. Re-installed latest driver, changed cartridges
(Canon originals) repeatedly, cleaned print-head several times and it's just
the same. Nozzle test prints black and magenta only.
It is probably a failed print-head but why did it fail? Canon don't even
mention print-head failure in their handbook or on their site.
Canon Technical Support do not respond to e-mail questions and I need my
printer fixed.
Quite happy to buy new one if print-head is the problem because replacements
are ridiculously expensive.
Can anybody in this NG tell me for sure if it can only be a failed
print-head and put me out of my misery?