I've got 2 broken canons.
I had no idea that the 600 and the 520 used the same printhead. So when the
600 printhead went I bought a 520, supposedly with a rebate but one that the
company (not canon) didn't honor.
I've corresponded with canon tonight after trying every possible fix on both
printheads and suddenly getting the error code of 7 orange flashes.
This is just one of their repl:ies
because the printhead costs more than a new printer? I DON'T!
I had no idea that the 600 and the 520 used the same printhead. So when the
600 printhead went I bought a 520, supposedly with a rebate but one that the
company (not canon) didn't honor.
I've corresponded with canon tonight after trying every possible fix on both
printheads and suddenly getting the error code of 7 orange flashes.
This is just one of their repl:ies
Do you find it acceptable that a printer is disposable after 12 to 15 monthsThank you for your reply. Unfortunately, the print head is a sealed
unit and cannot be reset. The print head is a consumable unit that
requires replacement periodically, usually between 12 to 15 months. We
regret any inconvenience this may cause.
because the printhead costs more than a new printer? I DON'T!