Trevor said:
They are not clogged - I have cleaned them. I set the teay with arrows
pointing towards each other. The printer pulled in the tray and after 30
secs, then expelled it without printing.
There is also a LED which you can spot on the printhead assembly....
left sort of on the outside of the printhead holder, silver case if I
remember correctly.
Again IIRC... there is a triangluar upon triangular piece of plastic on
the lid to access the cartridges which depresses a black microswitch
located sort of to the right along the flat part between the opening
and the right side of the printer, sort of tward the rear. I wedged a
spanner, 8mm or 10mm, so the printer would think the lid was closed.
Anyways... The LED should be illuminated at one point. The tray does
an in and out motion first taking the cue from the middle front sensor,
look at the pair... the most inside one... 12mm from the right if i'm
remembering correctly. after much in and out motions it will do a side
to side sweep. My memory is kinda vague but i'm sure for the side to
side sweep the LED is illuminated and operational. If no side to side
sweep well... we can assume it's not seeing that sensor. Regardless
observing this process and posting here the result might help one of us
troubleshoot the issue.