Picked this up last night. Printed off a few stunning shots straight
out of the camera / Photoshop and even found myself awake at 2.00 am
taking a few shots of a lightning storm. Printed off very well indeed
and later today one of my kids when looking at the picture managed to
land the tiniest tiniest bit of drool on the black foreground. When I
went to rub it off, the ink left the paper and I was left with a tiny
white dot.
Upon further examination a damp finger can make the ink smear on the
prints ( even when dry for over 12 hours)??
Is this normal? I had thought that inkjet prints were pretty robust
once set?
How can I protect my prints as they are in an open presentation folder,
not behind glass?
Finally I am currently using Kokac Ultimate Picture Paper for inkjets (
older stuff I had lying around ). Its the premium Kodac range. I have
delivered amazing prints on this even though websites say the Kodac
paper doesn't work too well with the newer Canons.
Could this be the issue, i.e would Canon paper stop the smudging?
Thanks for any advice. From inital thoughts this looks like one hell of
a printer
out of the camera / Photoshop and even found myself awake at 2.00 am
taking a few shots of a lightning storm. Printed off very well indeed
and later today one of my kids when looking at the picture managed to
land the tiniest tiniest bit of drool on the black foreground. When I
went to rub it off, the ink left the paper and I was left with a tiny
white dot.
Upon further examination a damp finger can make the ink smear on the
prints ( even when dry for over 12 hours)??
Is this normal? I had thought that inkjet prints were pretty robust
once set?
How can I protect my prints as they are in an open presentation folder,
not behind glass?
Finally I am currently using Kokac Ultimate Picture Paper for inkjets (
older stuff I had lying around ). Its the premium Kodac range. I have
delivered amazing prints on this even though websites say the Kodac
paper doesn't work too well with the newer Canons.
Could this be the issue, i.e would Canon paper stop the smudging?
Thanks for any advice. From inital thoughts this looks like one hell of
a printer