Yes, Measekite, it does. I have no need to lie to you nor anyone else as I
have no intention of misleading anyone. Can you say the same thing about
yourself? . . .
I have the HobbiColors 2 oz bottle in front of me and it says in largish
black letters "This is a pigmented Black Ink. Do not use in ink cartridges
that use dye based ink."
Then below it says "... Use high quality black pigment for durable
waterproof and fade resistant printing. Formulated to match Canon OEM
specification. Available in 1 oz, 2 oz, 4 oz, 8 oz and larger sizes."
and besides they are
I'm buying ink that works. That's no different than buying Canon ink - Ink
that works . . .
Seems you're a bit paranoid. I've noticed none of the regulars here having
lost their mind. Sure, newbies will make mistakes. We were all there once.
I'm not a newbie.
Cruel to be kind? You do have a sadist streak in you, don't you?
About a $1,000 less last year. Nothing to sneeze at, is it. Think what
you could buy with that money. But that was last year. My printing
frequency has been drastically altered since early last December.
Oh, no, no, no.... I never "make out' while printing. Business and
pleasure don't mix. Might get the weenie caught in the rollers . . .
My print load isn't heavy, hasn't been for six months. I honestly haven't
changed cartridges in any printer since last December. That's six months
ago. I indicate refill dates on spare cartridges, I just checked the
dates. And I anticipate only one more refill change, at the most, this
year for the two printers in operation. Heavy print load, light print
load... I've told you many times, it makes no difference in my printers.
They work just like they were OEM. Only the price is different.