I've have this printer about a year, and been happily printing CDs all that
time, then suddenly last week it stopped working.
Every time I insert the tray, it just spits it out again.
I'm getting this message:
"The CD-R tray is not inserted or a printable disc is not placed on the CD-R
Insert the CD-R tray with a printable disc in the Inner Cover and then press
the RESUME button.
Printing will then restart."
Any ideas what the problem might be?
time, then suddenly last week it stopped working.
Every time I insert the tray, it just spits it out again.
I'm getting this message:
"The CD-R tray is not inserted or a printable disc is not placed on the CD-R
Insert the CD-R tray with a printable disc in the Inner Cover and then press
the RESUME button.
Printing will then restart."
Any ideas what the problem might be?