I just got the i960 printer from Canon recently. It works quite well on
photos and text. However, there is one thing I noticed which is kind of
After the printer is turned on, the first time I print, the job gets
spooled and the printer starts printing almost instaniously. However,
all subsequent printing take quite a long time for the job to reach the
printer. I can see the job in the printer queue, but the page only comes
out say after 5 minutes that it's been inte printer queue. I don't know
why this is happening, it happens with photos, text, and whatever I try
to print. I'm using direct high-speed USB 2.0 connections between my
computer and printer. I tried it with both the preview option inside the
printer properties on or off, and it doesn't seem to make a difference.
And oh, if the preview is on, then the preview now takes a long time to
show up after the very first time, then after I click on Start Printing
at the preview dialog, the printer then prints almost immediately.
Anyone have similar experience?
photos and text. However, there is one thing I noticed which is kind of
After the printer is turned on, the first time I print, the job gets
spooled and the printer starts printing almost instaniously. However,
all subsequent printing take quite a long time for the job to reach the
printer. I can see the job in the printer queue, but the page only comes
out say after 5 minutes that it's been inte printer queue. I don't know
why this is happening, it happens with photos, text, and whatever I try
to print. I'm using direct high-speed USB 2.0 connections between my
computer and printer. I tried it with both the preview option inside the
printer properties on or off, and it doesn't seem to make a difference.
And oh, if the preview is on, then the preview now takes a long time to
show up after the very first time, then after I click on Start Printing
at the preview dialog, the printer then prints almost immediately.
Anyone have similar experience?