Olin K. McDaniel
I've had this Canon i950 printer for nearly 4 years now (best I can
recall), and after about 3 years the print head failed. I bought a
brand new one, in a sealed package, and have been using it for the
time since. Within the past several weeks I noticed a peculiar
problem. I could print about 2 full 8 1/2 X 11 inch sheets of Ilford
Photo Paper, using their profile and specifying Photo Paper Pro, in
color. Then the 3rd sheet would mess up, it might show some banding
but it would almost always cut back on some of the inks, leaving this
and all sheets following with a distinct reddish flavor. Actually, it
appeared it was no longer feeding the Black, and both of the Cyan
I could do one or two head cleanings, and then even a deep head
cleaning, and still got the same results. Then, almost immediately,
if I told it the paper was "Plain Paper" and not the "Photo Paper
Pro", it would print flawlessly. And, even I was surprised how full
of color and vibrant these prints were, NOT weak on ink in the
least!!!! This behavior was repeatable, and occurred when printing
out from several different programs, PhotoShop included. My initial
reaction BEFORE finding that it worked fine when the Plain Paper was
specified, was that some of the ink channels were clogging. But that
clearly is not the case. I am now wondering if something has fouled
up the printer firmware or elsewhere within the printer. Or could it
be a driver problem? Obviously, I can keep on getting excellent
prints by specifying Plain Paper, but will they continue excellent for
long, or is this a fleeting sign of impending doom?
Anyone else ever see this happen, either on this model or any other
similar Canon ink jet?
Olin McDaniel
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recall), and after about 3 years the print head failed. I bought a
brand new one, in a sealed package, and have been using it for the
time since. Within the past several weeks I noticed a peculiar
problem. I could print about 2 full 8 1/2 X 11 inch sheets of Ilford
Photo Paper, using their profile and specifying Photo Paper Pro, in
color. Then the 3rd sheet would mess up, it might show some banding
but it would almost always cut back on some of the inks, leaving this
and all sheets following with a distinct reddish flavor. Actually, it
appeared it was no longer feeding the Black, and both of the Cyan
I could do one or two head cleanings, and then even a deep head
cleaning, and still got the same results. Then, almost immediately,
if I told it the paper was "Plain Paper" and not the "Photo Paper
Pro", it would print flawlessly. And, even I was surprised how full
of color and vibrant these prints were, NOT weak on ink in the
least!!!! This behavior was repeatable, and occurred when printing
out from several different programs, PhotoShop included. My initial
reaction BEFORE finding that it worked fine when the Plain Paper was
specified, was that some of the ink channels were clogging. But that
clearly is not the case. I am now wondering if something has fouled
up the printer firmware or elsewhere within the printer. Or could it
be a driver problem? Obviously, I can keep on getting excellent
prints by specifying Plain Paper, but will they continue excellent for
long, or is this a fleeting sign of impending doom?
Anyone else ever see this happen, either on this model or any other
similar Canon ink jet?
Olin McDaniel
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