I've been pouring over the NGs researching which photo printer to buy.
I thought I was going with the Epson 960 but have recently been
convinced of going with the Canon i950 or i960. From my limited
knowledge I can see no discernable difference between these models
except that the i960 has USB 2.0 support, is $50 cheaper and won't be
available for another month. Can anyone let me know if they know of
any other differences between the models.
Also I was wondering if any current owners of i950 can let me know if
the printers can print borderless 8x10 pictures. The Canon
Specification Details mention all sizes specifically except 8x10 but
I'm sure people would complain if it were not possible.
Thanks for any feedback
I've been pouring over the NGs researching which photo printer to buy.
I thought I was going with the Epson 960 but have recently been
convinced of going with the Canon i950 or i960. From my limited
knowledge I can see no discernable difference between these models
except that the i960 has USB 2.0 support, is $50 cheaper and won't be
available for another month. Can anyone let me know if they know of
any other differences between the models.
Also I was wondering if any current owners of i950 can let me know if
the printers can print borderless 8x10 pictures. The Canon
Specification Details mention all sizes specifically except 8x10 but
I'm sure people would complain if it were not possible.
Thanks for any feedback