I got this printer last Christmas for printing photos from our digital
camera, and after using it only a dozen times or so over the past 6 month it
stopped printing black. I suspect it's a clogged nozzel from lack of use.
I tried the "cleaning" and "deep cleaning" options in the printer settings,
but to no avail. I'm not sure what to do next, and would greatly
appreciatie any suggestions/advice anyone has to offer.
Thanks for any help. -Pat
camera, and after using it only a dozen times or so over the past 6 month it
stopped printing black. I suspect it's a clogged nozzel from lack of use.
I tried the "cleaning" and "deep cleaning" options in the printer settings,
but to no avail. I'm not sure what to do next, and would greatly
appreciatie any suggestions/advice anyone has to offer.
Thanks for any help. -Pat