Canon i250 black ink problem

Oct 6, 2004
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Hi, i own a canon i250 printer and have had it for about a year. i've never had any major problems with it but recently the black ink hasn't been working. i've tried using new cartridges, i've tried the usual maintenance, cleaning, print head alignment etc. but nothing seems to work. Where the black is supposed to print there are just some faint lines going vertically down the page. i would appreciate any suggestions, thanks for reading.
i think so, thats where you empty the waste ink thing isn't it? i used an online method of holding the off button while unplugging the wires, then plugging them in again.
tedda222 said:
i think so, thats where you empty the waste ink thing isn't it? i used an online method of holding the off button while unplugging the wires, then plugging them in again.

go here and have a look it is a fluid use an empty cartridge clean it out,and fill with this flush insert into the printer and run the printer;)
i have some flush but i've never used it, i will try it now, do i need to use an empty ink cartridge for it? because i don't have one lol.
tedda222 said:
i have some flush but i've never used it, i will try it now, do i need to use an empty ink cartridge for it? because i don't have one lol.

Yes.... you need an MT cartridge> clean it out as best you can then refill with Flush insert in the printer and select deep clean> then print a few pages as if there was ink in the cartridge. you also need a injector it should have come with the flushing fluid.
i did all you said, i cleaned a cartridge, filled it with flush fluid, ran it through the printer a few times, then i put in a new black cartridge, its printing much darker than before, but its still got dark grey lines going down vertically, but the printing is much better. anything i can do to get rid of the lines? thanks for all your help.
In the maintenance section go to alignment and run that DON`T touch any other operation until it is finished> follow the instructions;)