Angelo Campanella
On needing a whole new head I went to Office Max to buy whole new print
head for my ancient BJC2100, perhaps its last.. I keep if on board for a
backup to my HP6122. The 2100 normally takes a BC21e head costing
$50.oo, but there was also on the shelf a BC22e which cost only 24.oo.
So I bought the 22e. When I got home sure enough, it works in the 2100.
But now only photo printing paradigms, which are very slow at printing,
are available; not good for letters and reports. The 2100 software
recognizes it as a 22e, and locks out the draft and simple text writing
modes. Is there any way to fool the 2100 into thinking it's a 21e?
Angelo Campanella
head for my ancient BJC2100, perhaps its last.. I keep if on board for a
backup to my HP6122. The 2100 normally takes a BC21e head costing
$50.oo, but there was also on the shelf a BC22e which cost only 24.oo.
So I bought the 22e. When I got home sure enough, it works in the 2100.
But now only photo printing paradigms, which are very slow at printing,
are available; not good for letters and reports. The 2100 software
recognizes it as a 22e, and locks out the draft and simple text writing
modes. Is there any way to fool the 2100 into thinking it's a 21e?
Angelo Campanella