Cannot views secure web



I am unable to view secure web pages in Internet Explorer (the same problem
exists with the other browser which I use.)I can view all non-secure werb
pages no problem. I have restored default settings in IE, deleted cookies and
deleted offline content as well but the problem persists.

What changes do I need to make to IE or is this perhaps a problem with my
Firewall,or some other proboem, please?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE

Enigmaman said:
I am unable to view secure web pages in Internet Explorer (the same
problem exists with the other browser which I use.)I can view all
non-secure werb pages no problem. I have restored default settings in
IE, deleted cookies and deleted offline content as well but the
problem persists.

What changes do I need to make to IE or is this perhaps a problem
with my Firewall,or some other proboem, please?

Make sure your firewall is not blocking port 443.

Go to Start | Run and enter these commans (press <Enter after each one).
Regsvr32 Wintrust.dll
Regsvr32 Initpki.dll
Regsvr32 Dssenh.dll
Regsvr32 Rsaenh.dll
Regsvr32 Gpkcsp.dll
Regsvr32 Sccbase.dll
Regsvr32 Slbcsp.dll
Regsvr32 Mssip32.dll
Regsvr32 Cryptdlg.dll

See also
HOW TO: Troubleshoot Situations Where You Cannot Connect to Secure Web Sites
by Using Internet Explorer in Windows XP
"The Page Cannot Be Displayed" Error Message on a Secure Web Site
How to troubleshoot problems accessing secure Web pages with Internet
Explorer 6 Service Pack 2

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
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