Cannot View Workgroup Computers (Windows XP)



I cannot view workgroup computers, while I can browse the internet and access
web applications in the same network.

Pc was attcked with trojans, viurs and spyware. Removed by using other tools
like spyware doctor and norton antivirus 2007. Norton blocked all access. Now
I am blank what do.

Chuck [MVP]

I cannot view workgroup computers, while I can browse the internet and access
web applications in the same network.

Pc was attcked with trojans, viurs and spyware. Removed by using other tools
like spyware doctor and norton antivirus 2007. Norton blocked all access. Now
I am blank what do.

What you are describing is symptomatic of LSP / Winsock corruption. Correction
is a repetitive process. Be persistent.

Chuck, MS-MVP 2005-2007 [Windows - Networking]
Paranoia is not a problem, when it's a normal response from experience.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck mvps org.


Chuck said:
I cannot view workgroup computers, while I can browse the internet and access
web applications in the same network.

Pc was attcked with trojans, viurs and spyware. Removed by using other tools
like spyware doctor and norton antivirus 2007. Norton blocked all access. Now
I am blank what do.

What you are describing is symptomatic of LSP / Winsock corruption. Correction
is a repetitive process. Be persistent.

Chuck, MS-MVP 2005-2007 [Windows - Networking]
Paranoia is not a problem, when it's a normal response from experience.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck mvps org.


Chuck said:
I cannot view workgroup computers, while I can browse the internet and access
web applications in the same network.

Pc was attcked with trojans, viurs and spyware. Removed by using other tools
like spyware doctor and norton antivirus 2007. Norton blocked all access. Now
I am blank what do.

What you are describing is symptomatic of LSP / Winsock corruption. Correction
is a repetitive process. Be persistent.

Chuck, MS-MVP 2005-2007 [Windows - Networking]
Paranoia is not a problem, when it's a normal response from experience.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck mvps org.


I am have a slightly similar problem in that I have 2 PCs and a wireless
router. The laptop runs XP Pro and is wireless and the Desktop runs XP and
is hardwired to the router. Satellite modem services both computers.
Internet works like a charm. I can ping either computer from the other using
IP address. I cannot ping using computer name. "Ping request could not find
host jimdesktop." I also cannot see the other computer when I call up "View
Workgroup Computers". The only other quirk that I see is that IP routing is
not enabled when I run ipconfig /all on the desktop. I have downloaded
"Guided Help" for resetting TCP/IP, but stop every time I get to the
question, Is your internet connection operational? Do not run, if Internet
is OK or words to that effect. I am afraid that I will create a larger
problem. Question, is it OK to run Guided Help, if I have a non-Internet
network problem? Jim

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