I have created a collection of a custom class. Everything works fine (can add these items in a combo from within a VB.NET application, for instance), but when looking at the collection from a VB.NET application in the Watch window, I cannot see the items of the collection. The message in the Watch window's "value" says: "<cannot view indexed property>." Below is the code I wrote.
Any idea of what is wrong? Or is the error message "correct"?
Thanks a lot.
public class Companies : IEnumerable {
ArrayList m_oCompanies = null;
public Companies() { // Nothing is done in the constructor. }
public void Add(Company oCompany) {...}
public Company this[int index] {
get { return (Company)m_oCompanies[index]; }
public int Count { ... }
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return new CompaniesEnumerator(m_oCompanies); }
// Inner class implements IEnumerator interface:
class CompaniesEnumerator : IEnumerator {
int index;
ArrayList m_oCompanies;
public CompaniesEnumerator(ArrayList oCompanies) { this.m_oCompanies = oCompanies; }
public bool MoveNext() { return (++index < m_oCompanies.Count); }
public object Current {
get {
if (index < m_oCompanies.Count) return m_oCompanies[index];
return null; }
public void Reset() { ... }
I have created a collection of a custom class. Everything works fine (can add these items in a combo from within a VB.NET application, for instance), but when looking at the collection from a VB.NET application in the Watch window, I cannot see the items of the collection. The message in the Watch window's "value" says: "<cannot view indexed property>." Below is the code I wrote.
Any idea of what is wrong? Or is the error message "correct"?
Thanks a lot.
public class Companies : IEnumerable {
ArrayList m_oCompanies = null;
public Companies() { // Nothing is done in the constructor. }
public void Add(Company oCompany) {...}
public Company this[int index] {
get { return (Company)m_oCompanies[index]; }
public int Count { ... }
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return new CompaniesEnumerator(m_oCompanies); }
// Inner class implements IEnumerator interface:
class CompaniesEnumerator : IEnumerator {
int index;
ArrayList m_oCompanies;
public CompaniesEnumerator(ArrayList oCompanies) { this.m_oCompanies = oCompanies; }
public bool MoveNext() { return (++index < m_oCompanies.Count); }
public object Current {
get {
if (index < m_oCompanies.Count) return m_oCompanies[index];
return null; }
public void Reset() { ... }