Cannot upload files

  • Thread starter Thread starter 2bitwise
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I used a registry cleaner and ended up with a problem. I know i am no
supposed to do that, but I just can't keep from tinkering!

So this can be an object lesson for the unwary.

When running a DSL speed test, my upload speed is now 0. I canno
upload files.

I did a system restore from a point before the cleaner was run. N

I went to the event viewer and saw error "upload manager failed t
start ID:7000" account specified wrong.

I think this is my computer name (account).

Any ideas how to fix this
I used a registry cleaner and ended up with a problem. I know i am not
supposed to do that, but I just can't keep from tinkering!

What you call "tinkering" is effectively just looking for trouble.

Registry cleaning programs are *all* snake oil. Cleaning of the
registry isn't needed and is dangerous. Leave the registry alone and
don't use any registry cleaner. Despite what many people think, and
what vendors of registry cleaning software try to convince you of,
having unused registry entries doesn't really hurt you.

The risk of a serious problem caused by a registry cleaner erroneously
removing an entry you need is far greater than any potential benefit
it may have.
[There was a small backup folder for CCleaner, and I imported it back t
the REG.
I did a file recovery on the C:/windows folder from NGhost and als
tried importing an earlier REGistry backup, all would not write keys o
files in use, so
it was a waste of time. It also didn't work (Ha Ha!).

The best I can figure, update manager is trying to start a service, bu
fails because the log in (my computer or user name) is missing o

I can't find out how to view the service name. There is a Windows lo
on file somewhere.

BTW, all other functions seem to be OK