I used a registry cleaner and ended up with a problem. I know i am no
supposed to do that, but I just can't keep from tinkering!
So this can be an object lesson for the unwary.
When running a DSL speed test, my upload speed is now 0. I canno
upload files.
I did a system restore from a point before the cleaner was run. N
I went to the event viewer and saw error "upload manager failed t
start ID:7000" account specified wrong.
I think this is my computer name (account).
Any ideas how to fix this
supposed to do that, but I just can't keep from tinkering!
So this can be an object lesson for the unwary.
When running a DSL speed test, my upload speed is now 0. I canno
upload files.
I did a system restore from a point before the cleaner was run. N
I went to the event viewer and saw error "upload manager failed t
start ID:7000" account specified wrong.
I think this is my computer name (account).
Any ideas how to fix this