cannot update database

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I built a simple form to add data to an excel database. When I try to use it
I get a very simple "Cannot Update Database" error message. Nothing else.
Just those three words. I followed the steps in and it still did not work. I do
have Front Page Extensions installed on my web server. In fact, I have other
..asp pages working just fine on my site. I just can't seem to update add
data to my excel database. Any suggestions.
What is the code you're using to update the database? (Copy and paste
everything from Code View into a reply but remove any user names and
passwords for the database). Also, is the database set to read/write
permissions on the web site? You may have to have your web host check that.
Are you using Excel as in

You would be better off using Access as your data source


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

|I built a simple form to add data to an excel database. When I try to use it
| I get a very simple "Cannot Update Database" error message. Nothing else.
| Just those three words. I followed the steps in
| and it still did not work. I do
| have Front Page Extensions installed on my web server. In fact, I have other
| .asp pages working just fine on my site. I just can't seem to update add
| data to my excel database. Any suggestions.

The souce code is attached below. Yes, through the Web Settings in
Frontpage, I've set the parameter for this database to "ReadOnly"=0. In
fact, in the global.asa file, the database is showing as ReadOnly=0. Thanks
for taking the time to review this code:

' FP_ASP ASP Automatically generated by a Frontpage Component. Do not Edit.

On Error Resume Next
Session("FP_OldCodePage") = Session.CodePage
Session("FP_OldLCID") = Session.LCID
Session.CodePage = 1252
Session.LCID = 1033

strErrorUrl = ""

If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then
If Request.Form("VTI-GROUP") = "0" Then

Set fp_conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot create connection"

Set fp_rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot create record set"

fp_conn.Open Application("testdata_ConnectionString")
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot open database"

fp_rs.Open "data", fp_conn, 1, 3, 2 ' adOpenKeySet, adLockOptimistic,
FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot open record set"

FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot add new record set to the database"
Dim arFormFields0(2)
Dim arFormDBFields0(2)
Dim arFormValues0(2)

arFormFields0(0) = "name"
arFormDBFields0(0) = "name"
arFormValues0(0) = Request("name")
arFormFields0(1) = "team"
arFormDBFields0(1) = "team"
arFormValues0(1) = Request("team")

FP_SaveFormFields fp_rs, arFormFields0, arFormDBFields0

FP_DumpError strErrorUrl, "Cannot update the database"


FP_FormConfirmation "text/html; charset=windows-1252",_
"Form Confirmation",_
"Thank you for submitting the following information:",_
"Return to the form."

End If
End If

Session.CodePage = Session("FP_OldCodePage")
Session.LCID = Session("FP_OldLCID")


<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="tlb, default">


<form method="POST" action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">
<!--webbot bot="SaveDatabase" startspan SuggestedExt="asp"
S-DataConnection="testdata" S-RecordSource="data" S-Form-Fields="name team"
S-Form-DBFields="name team" U-ASP-Include-Url="_fpclass/"
--><input TYPE="hidden" NAME="VTI-GROUP" VALUE="0"><!--#include
bot="SaveDatabase" endspan -->
<p>name <input type="text" name="name" size="20"></p>
<p>team <input type="text" name="team" size="20"></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"><input type="reset"
value="Reset" name="B2"></p>

One quick note, the error message actually reads, "Cannot Update The Database"

For what it's worth...