Everything was fine at first with my new Vista system then for no apparent
reason, I cannot send E mails from Windows Mail although I can receive
There are several issues in your post, some of which
I won't dignify by responding to.
First. Read... to find out why your post
is slovenly and incompetent. Piggy backing issues helps no one.
I have tried, as have most of the people on here, everything I can think
to rectify this but no luck.
It's been covered a thousand times on this forum.
There is also a message that I tried to send stuck in my outbox that
to budge and displays an error message whenever I try to move it or delete
It's been covered a thousand times on this forum.
Everyone I speak to says that Vista is a washout and I wish I had stuck to
my old Millenium Edition.
All that says is that you know a disproportionate number of imbeciles.
Aha! Truth at last!
have paid good money for a load of
rubbish and Windows couldn't give two hoots.
By the amount of posts on here with similar problems I can see there is
probably no solution.
You can't surely be that thick so you must be a liar.
Why should we spend hours trying to fix the results of
Windows' incompetence?
In the unlikely event of anyone having a solution to this problem - please
help !
You've gone a long way to alienating potential help with your
ill informed, pathetic ranting.
You are most likely a victim of incompatible antivirus software
that has been fostered upon you by the real culprits - PC vendors
and exacerbated by your own bone idle incompetence.
Get rid of your incompatible AV software, uninstall entirely,
and use a free compatible alternative such as Avast
Disable email scanning or better yet omit it during the install
At this point you should delete and recreate your email
account within Windows Mail to remove corruptions.
Next, use this utility
to remove the message stuck in your outbox.
Unfortunately, you've a poor track record, you'll have to read and
follow all the instructions for the required functionality to be