cannot send emails with attachments from .NEt 1.1 using cdonts

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Hi all,
environment : windows 2003 using remote desktop, .netf framework 1.1 using with Visual studio 2003

users log into the application over remotedesktop to windows 2003 server and
access the application.
the application lets the users send out emails of reports which have
attachments and this is done using the system.web.mail namespace of .net in
my vb code and i think this namespace is using the cdonts object. Email with
attachments are send out successfully but only under the windows
administrator type accounts and not user type accouts, it gives me a huge
error saying not able to create CDONTS. Message object. And seems this
restriction applies only for emails being send out with attachments, if there
is no attachment with the emails that there is no problem.

can any body tell me why this is happening?

here is the code that i user to send that email :

mailmsg.To = torecepient
mailmsg.From = fromrecepient
mailmsg.Attachments.Add(New MailAttachment(FullPathAndName))
mailmsg.Subject = subject


how can i send out emails with attachments from my application using this
namespace even under the windows user type accounts ?
