cannot send email

  • Thread starter Thread starter delirious
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Account: 'Xplornet', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server
Response: '571 5.7.1 Message contains spam or virus or sender is blocked :
15493:4084202416|1594', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 571, Error

This is the error message I get.
delirious said:
Account: 'Xplornet', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server
Response: '571 5.7.1 Message contains spam or virus or sender is blocked :
15493:4084202416|1594', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 571,

This is the error message I get.

Wrong discussion group. This group is for .NET Framework issues.

First, you should seek help from your ISP to ensure your mail client
(whatever that is) is properly to work with their mail server. If your ISP
cannot help, you need to find a forum/discussion group for your email
software and/or your version of Windows. As you have not told us your email
software or Windows version, specific recommendations are impossible.