Thank you both. Youre ideas put me on the right track and I've got the
problem figured out now. It was not one, but two specific slides, that
caused the troubles. When I tried to save each of those alone in a
presentation, they saved allright, but saving lasted more than 3 minutes for
each of the two slides. Apparently the added saving time for those two
slides, and the other 98, saving without problems, causes Win XP to believe
the program is not responding and therefore abends it.
What cuased the long saving time was thjat I specified Integrate True Type
fonts, and those two slides used a specific, non standard True Type font, so
even if they only contained text, it took a very long time to save. Now I
removed Integrate True Type from my file, and now it works Ok. Now my only
problem is, that I have to install the specific font on each and every
computer, where the presentation must run :-(
Echo S said:
Jan, what Sonia said.
But also, head to Tools/Options and make sure you have Allow Fast Saves
turned off. Then try a File/Save As and see if you can save the
presentation. If so, reopen it, make a change, and then try a regular save.
Not sure that will do the trick, but it's worth a shot.
If you do get the thing to save, I'd recommend "round tripping" it to rout
out any leftover woolies (technical term, that). See for instructions.
presenter, PPT Live '04
Oct 10-13, San Diego
Jan Kronsell said:
Nothing happens.! Just the usual hourglass for a long, long time. When I
look at the joblist, I can see that the program is not responding, and I has
to end it. Its just this one presentation and I have tried it on three
different computers.
Btw the prentation can be show all right and I can make all the changes I
want. I just cant save them. Its a bit annoying, as I still quite a few
slides from completing it.