Windows XP Cannot reboot to 'Removable'

Oct 3, 2005
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I downloaded a program from Microsoft call Minst.exe to test my RAM. As per the instructions I copied it to a USB flash stick, and rebooted. I had first revised my boot priorities in BIOS to
Hard drive

But it still rebooted to the HD. Same result when I tried it on a CF card.

Anyone know what might be causing this please?

FWIW, I have recently disabled references in BIOS to 'Diskette', as this MESH Xtreme GTS PC doesn't have one installed. But I don't think that's relevant.

Note that the USB ports I used for the flash stick and CF reader both work OK otherwise.

It seems to be some fundamental failure to recognize any 'removable' device for boot-up purposes.

Terry, UK
Try hitting F8 or another F* key at boot up to get to the BOOT MENU screen and you may be able to choose your USB from there. Look in your manual for instructions for gaining access to the boot menue if the F8 key does not work for you. Different pc's use different F* keys.
Or you could download and use MemTest which seems to be the industry standard for testing memory, this runs from a CD. Or try putting the software you have on a CD.

it's possible your BIOS doesn't support booting from USB ... its a mesh. ;)

can you tell us what the "problem" is you need to run memory tester?

Thanks both. I burned Memtest86 to a CD and ran that ok on reboot. (Gave me a 'no errors' result.)

Would still like to know how to do it from flash, for education & future possible need. Don't think it's down to the OEM? I reckon those instructions were incomplete and that there's more to making the flash drive rebootable than merely copying the executable to it.

Terry, UK
How old is the PC?

As Mucks said, it's likely the BIOS doesn't support booting from a USB stick.
floppybootstomp said:
How old is the PC?

As Mucks said, it's likely the BIOS doesn't support booting from a USB stick.

Bought it from MESH in March 2008. I'll ask them. Is boot-up support for USB devices only a very recent development?

If so, would a motherboard driver upgrade fix it?

Terry, UK
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