This article may help.
How to Run a Batch File Before Logging on to Your Computer
Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft MVP [Windows]
Microsoft Certified Professional [Windows 2000]
| Well I created an AUTOEXEC.NT file and it still did not do what I wanted.
| Basically what I need to do is run this command SUBST R: C:\ I need
| that prior to the system starting up since the R drive is shareable. If
| I put a BAT file in the STARTUP folder, the R drive does not become
| shareable.
| > --------------------
| > Subject: Re: Cannot read autoexec.bat during bootup
| > From: Mark V <
[email protected]>
| > Newsgroups:
| > microsoft.public.win2000.general,microsoft.public.win2000.registry
| >
| > Not sure. Is the file in the root of the "system" drive? (usually
| > C

You know that only portions (eg PATH) are read?
| > Why would you want to in NTx OSs?
| > Better to do via System Properties, Advanced, Environmental Variables.
| > For PATH or othe env. vars.
| >
| > Nothing will be executed (Run) from that file.
| > --
| >
| > Homer,
| >
| > To add to what Mark says above, if you need something to load for a
| > DOS based or 16-Bit program then we should be adding it to the
| > Autoexec.nt file and not to Autoexec.bat.
| >
| > Bill Peele
| > Microsoft Enterprise Support
| >
| > This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
| > rights. Use of included script samples are subject to the terms
| > specified at
| >
| > Note: For the benefit of the community-at-large, all responses to
| > this message are best directed to the newsgroup/thread from which they
| > originated. Attachment decoded: untitled-2.txt
| > ------=_NextPart_0001_3289DD62
| > --------------------
| > Subject: Re: Cannot read autoexec.bat during bootup
| > From: Mark V <
[email protected]>
| > Newsgroups:
| > microsoft.public.win2000.general,microsoft.public.win2000.registry
| >
| > Not sure. Is the file in the root of the "system" drive? (usually
| > C

You know that only portions (eg PATH) are read?
| > Why would you want to in NTx OSs?
| > Better to do via System Properties, Advanced, Environmental Variables.
| > For PATH or othe env. vars.
| >
| > Nothing will be executed (Run) from that file.
| > --
| >
| > Homer,
| >
| > To add to what Mark says above, if you need something to load for a
| > DOS based or 16-Bit program then we should be adding it to the
| > Autoexec.nt file and not to Autoexec.bat.
| >
| > Bill Peele
| > Microsoft Enterprise Support
| >
| > This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
| > rights. Use of included script samples are subject to the terms
| > specified at
| >
| > Note: For the benefit of the community-at-large, all responses to
| > this message are best directed to the newsgroup/thread from which they
| > originated. Attachment decoded: text-x-rtf-3
| > ------=_NextPart_0001_3289DD62--